Massecuite and magma pumps
Designed for massecuite pumping, it is the second mark of the tooth design that made the brand famous throughout the sugar manufacturing world. It carries massecuite without denaturing the geometry of the crystals. An ingenious exhaust system, a low-contact gear mesh and a scraping profile enable it to preserve the particles present in the mother liquor.
Massecuite and magma pumps
Designed for massecuite pumping, it is the second mark of the tooth design that made the brand famous throughout the sugar manufacturing world. It carries massecuite without denaturing the geometry of the crystals. An ingenious exhaust system, a low-contact gear mesh and a scraping profile enable it to preserve the particles present in the mother liquor.

-Beet and cane processing
-White, raw and AP massescuite
-Any magmas
-Continuous vacuum processing
-Beet and cane processing
-White, raw and AP massescuite
-Any magmas
-Continuous vacuum processing
Flow rate
-From 5 to 250 m3/h
-From 5 to 250 m3/h